Toulouse (France) (AFP) – A dozen Teslas were torched in France in what authorities are treating as an arson attack, the prosecutor’s office said Monday.
Get the nazi traitors and Putin assets out of Europe. Or at least their businesses.
That second sentence isn’t needed. Get Nazis and Putin assets out of Europe.
In before the shit lobs start crying about how you’re only hurting the poor working class Tesla dealership owners, not Elon himself.
It’s already here.
I’ve seen assholes right here on lemmy decrying “I bought one before I knew he was a POS! How dare you imply I should sell it!”
Same fuckers crawl out of the woodwork to defend food delivery apps because “but some people need them!”
The reality is Americans are soft as fuck and are not ready for the hard times that are coming.
Good thing Tesla follows a direct sales model and their dealerships are really just company owned store rooms as opposed to some massive corporate go-between that’s “only there to protect customers” while inflating financing pricing to skim $$, bolting on overpriced accessories, etc. Those massive corporate interests that spent $80.8 million lobying for their existence in 2022 are surely here to help the little guy/gal.
Once again the French demonstrate that they know how to raise hell.
We need to get more like the French.
There was a post here the other day asking if vandalism was OK because someone wrote something with their finger on a muddy swasticar.
Now this is vandalism. Or possibly an accident, batteries like to burn violently and Tesla isn’t known for build quality or safety…
Guess you haven’t seen
Well, that’s a start.
Also, describing Molotov cocktails as “explosive devices” seems just a little misleading.
Get these French folks to Grünheide ASAP!
That’s a shame. /Seinfeld
Oh no. Anyways
The Americans: Leave a strongly worded note on the dashboard.
The French: Light that shit up!
A dozen? That’s it? They can do better than that.
All Tesla dealerships are all directly owned by Tesla, right?
I believe so yes
I wasn’t there though… Do it again so I can see.
Probably the batteries, yeah?
Yeah, lithium batteries are well known fire hazards.
And once they get going, they get going, google thermal runaway for some interesting videos.
To fight a thermal runaway you need to cool it down fast, ice is commonly recommanded.
EV fires are fought by flooding (most commonly)
I think all the ice is being used to kick out illegal immigrants though.
So would a snow machine work ?
No, but snow would probably be effective at cooling down a battery experiencing thermal runaway
Ohhh, ice for the required melting energy? I thought that would be offset by the more difficult handling and lower flow rates. Interesting.
No, no, you just deport the battery so it explodes in someone else’s country.
It’s true, the French are much better at revolution than Americans.
No! Now they can write them off on their insurance! They needed to have them languish unsold taking up retail space for years and learn to regret their purchase.
Naa their insurance rate is going to go through the roof! Or at least on fire.
Spring season. Fires. Expectable.