Ran a hairdryer all night, propped against my Mac laptop keyboard after a friend knocked over a full pint of beer onto it.
The next morning the whole bathroom reeked of stale beer, the power bill was astronomical, and the left quarter of the keyboard never worked again.
Took it in for repairs and was grateful AppleCare swapped it out without a peep. This was a while back, before the embedded moisture strips that void the warranty.
Lol! You definitely win.
I have two… these are from the old days of computing :)
One: guy said his monitor was showing wavy lines on the screen (old CRT monitor days). Went to his office, looked at his monitor. Sure enough wavy lines. Looked the top of his monitor. Removed the clock sitting on top of said monitor, no more wavy lines. Don’t put electric clocks on CRT monitors folks.
Two: working in a school system. Just before classes started. Get a call “none of the computers turn on”. Go to the classroom. Check a few machines. Machines “turned on” but didn’t boot the OS. Listen to one of the machines… hmmm, no drive noise. Tap it with the back of a screwdriver. Drive spins up, computer boots. Later found out that it was a semi-known problem with Seagate drives. If they sat to long without use, the heads would get stuck.
When I was a kid I had a tv develop a big rainbow circle in one corner underneath where I set a speaker on top of it. I took it off but the circle didn’t go away. A quick google search later and that’s how I learned what degaussing was.
I caused that with a refrigerator magnet, then also fixed it with a refrigerator magnet. Then entertained myself more in the next couple weeks by fucking with my screen with magnets than any actual TV shows or video games.
Sometimes the best teacher is experience :)
When I was 13, we had an Apple IIc. My mother used to take the cable that connected the computer and the monitor to work with her so I’d focus on homework rather than playing Ultima IV.
But it was a monochrome signal. I straightened out a metal coat hanger and plugged it in… it worked just fine if you didn’t bump it.
Damn, either you were a really smart 13 year old, or you must have been super desperate and then amazed that that actually worked.
Looking back, I have zero ideas on where I came up with the idea or why I even tried it!
Individually press all the Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys.
This was back in the Windows 95 days and persisted for quite a few versions. The symptoms were that when typing you’d get accented or no characters, basically Windows thought one of the keys was held down. It happened more often than you’d think.
I still see this every few months.
I think it’s happening if a key is released at the same time as a window opens or changes to full screen, but it’s too rare to properly troubleshoot. The fix is still the same.
I had a router that I converted to a access point with openwrt, couldn’t get vlan trunking to work, so I ran 3 separate network cables back to the switch and assigned each one to its own WiFi network
Like the good old days of manual segmentation lol
I was working on a e-commerce site for a large furniture manufacturer. They wanted to add a new attribute to a site that dealt with the fabrics they used. This would have been somewhere near 500 individual products with their own value for this attribute. We had to get this lined up on the product csv because somebody didn’t think to do it in the erp. One of my managers was set to go in and use Excel to merge the lists, but I realized he would have to do this every month until the end of time. I wrote a quick script on the site to do this anytime the product csv needed to be updated. Write once, run forever.
Removed the plastic film on a brand new phone when someone complained that the earpiece sounded bad during calls
I once had to tell a colleague that her breasts were pressing the space bar when she put an invoice in her processed tray. I don’t know about dumb but it was embarrassing.
Had a coworker who kept complaining anytime she’d open any dialog boxes they immediately closed. Turns out she had a binder sitting on the edge of her keyboard right on the escape key.
How did she take it?
She was also quite embarrassed. As a fix, we moved her keyboard a few inches.
Hard drive in the freezer. Broken actuator. Well, I put the entire laptop in. Early 00s probably. Worked for like 3 minutes.
Think I’ve done this one too! Desperately trying to rescue some data off a hard drive which just went click click click. Freeze it, try again, works for a few minutes until it warms back up and click click click…
Just thought of another one. I have an old Amiga 1200 which doesn’t get powered up much but I accidentally dropped it in a move. Since then it’s been prone to randomly crashing. Opened it up, nothing appeared to be dislodged. Somehow discovered that if I prop it up at an angle it doesn’t crash any more.
Maybe not dumb just dark and absurd, but called the cops.
Worked at a retail computer store with repair shop. Extremely assholish customer drops off his machine for an install of a “defective” piece of hardware he couldn’t manage to install on his own, arguing that install should be free because it’s our fault, somehow. Service manager cuts him a deal anyway just to make him happy.
He drops off his PC. Tech takes the machine, boots it up, bam… CSAM on his desktop. Cops came and got the PC, never saw the piece of shit again.
Actually this happened a few times but only once was the customer rude at first.
Retail is depressing.
Do I want to know what csam means?
Child Sex Abuse Material.
Basically (and usually) child pronography.
Question, when did it change from CP to CSAM? I was watching a true crime video on YT the other day and was like wtf is CSAM?!
Also who decided it needed to be changed?
I dont really know but I guess CSAM is more broad and includes pictures of children at the beach etc.
Thanks, turns out I didn’t want to know that, but alas. Depressing that there is apparently known abbreviation for it.
It might help in the future for trigger warnings as it’s used in those quite often, at least. Every cloud…
Beating things up in hopes it works. Its weird how often it worked
Worked on my cars dragging brakes the other day. I need to service them…
People who say violence never solved anything have never really been intimate with a printer
My electric piano requires a very accurate punch in order to the A3 key to work again, I’ve even read in forums that is the ONLY WAY to fix it. Sounded dumb at the time but it was the fix.
Sounds like sorcery.
Bruce Lee, Archmage!
Somewhat related.
I was doing a winter mountaineering course in Scotland (not as epic as it sounds, but damn fun!). We had some pretty gnarly weather, and were practicing navigation in a whiteout. It’s pretty easy to lose your sense of direction, there’s no landmarks, no reference for what is straight ahead. So the lead person was trudging along, looking down at the compass, following a heading, trudging off into the blank whiteness in a straight line. Every now and then, they would start veering off to the left, then go back straight again- just enough to be perceptible to the people at the back of the line, but not to the person in front. We pulled up a couple of times, lead person kept insisting they were following the compass precisely. It kept happening, so we switched people, same compass, no problem.
It was only when we were back at the lodge and the original lead person was saying how much they loved their electric heated gloves that we figured out what the issue was.
Needed to get a server back online when it’s CPU cooler had failed
Found some random cooler for a totally different CPU, smeared thermal paste on it and zip-tied the cooler to the mobo and case as best I could.
That thing ran like a champ for almost 6 months till I got around to replacing it