Would you curiosity win? Or would the fear of death win?
If you’ve watched Avatar, I’m talking about city like Ba Sing Se, but IRL.
Depends if there were dumb lumbering giants outside that would eat me, ‘Attack on Titan’ style.
It depends on a number of factors.
How thorough is the isolation/how “high” are the walls? Can I perceive the world outside the walls in any way?
How good is the propaganda?
Do I have anything to lose other than my life? Do I have a community I care about within the city? A family? Children?
Nah, I’d probably believe it, unless things inside the city were so bad I had some reason to doubt.
There is no war in (that avatar city I can’t remember)
Got “Freedom Cities” on the mind, eh?
Nice try, raider. I’m staying in the vault.
Would you clean?
I want to go out.
It’s called New Jersey since those people can’t pump their own gas, they can’t venture into the rest of America haha.
I mean, they could. They would just have to take a bus lol
That’s funny
I’m too american to listen to what I’m told. I’m gonna get eaten by the titans, sorry everyone
All it takes is for leadership to slip up one time to start questioning everything else they told you. Like learning the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, casting doubt on the easter bunny and Santa Claus - except there’s incentives for belief. Would I go on with the charade while harbouring doubts? Escape entirely? Depends.
At the very least I’d carve a glory hole in the wall.
Curiosity definitely. I love to travel and I’ve gone to places that were fairly dangerous. No active war zones, thankfully, or places with incurable disease outbreaks or anything like that. But I’m less bothered by risk than almost anyone I know.
I am disabled and unable to drive thus holding a proper job is difficult.
i’ve been on an effective island with ‘visits’ to ‘the outside’ on rare occasions and largely when picking up things from lowes or family functions.
What you ask is not a hypothetical for me.
Are the people saying it is dangerous saying why it is dangerous or being vague about it? Are they honest and trustworthy about the things inside the city or are they unreliable liars?
If it is a vague, unspecified threat from unreliable people then I’m certainly going out. If there are details and the people are otherwise trustworthy I’m staying in.
If they are untrustworthy or trustworthy but vague, it would come down to whether there is a reason to go outside other than finding out if they are lying.
I’d probably go insane from living around that many humans. Normal cities are awful for me, I can’t imagine being in one I can never leave.
The new neighbourhood layouts are really nice. You’d think there would be a lot of foot traffic but it’s not really crowded. And with actual concrete construction, you hear so little you may as well not have neighbours.
I’d still know they’re there, and I still can’t see the stars, and there’s no wildlife or untamed land.
I would probably go to test it if at all possible, especially if there is a way to come back.
In real live I already immigrated 3 times to a different country and before I had kids I was even dreaming about going to Mars even if it would have been om a one way ticket.
Like they’re gonna let me stay in the city.
As soon as I had the chance.
I have a real problem with authority and being told what I can and cannot do.