Yesterday, the West Virginia House of Delegates approved an amendment from Del. J.B. Akers ® to allow a child’s “treating health care provider” to examine a child’s genitals without the consent of their parents.
The amendment was actually an improvement over a previous version of the bill, which, state Democrats argued, would have allowed teachers to perform the genital examinations.
Akers’ amendment was the Republican response to one proposed by Del. Kayla Young (D), which would have banned child and adult genital examinations altogether.
“It’s unconscionable that Republicans would support legislation that authorizes intrusive visual inspections of minors without parental approval,” Young said. “West Virginians should be alarmed and disgusted by this invasion of privacy.”
It also says that all intersex people are “either male or female” but does not give a basis for assigning a sex to them.
Keep republicans away from my children
So republican parents are ok with strangers inspecting their child’s genitals without their consent?
Well that law will never on MY KIDS.
We found the real freaks. I wonder if the Pizzagate/Qanon dipshits have figured it out yet: everything the qons do is about projection.
Bloody mfers.
traditional family values 😂
:takes daughter to purity ball:
“She looks so much like her mother on prom night”
I’m so damn glad I’m not a parent. There’s no fucking way I wouldn’t pulverize someone’s limbs into paste if they touched my child.
Parent here. You sound like parent material.
Cops already do it to black kids. One girl was on her period and they made her bend over and cough and everything.
So much for Parents Rights.
Only a fucking piece of trash thinks it’s ok for a teacher to look at a kid’s junk, regardless of if the parents give consent.
Former teacher here. Any teacher that would comply with such an order to inspect is also a fucking piece of trash.
Once our assistant principal went on a witch hunt about enforcing uniform compliance. He wanted us all to inspect socks to ensure they were the right color. Turns out the color of my kids’ socks doesn’t impact the learning environment, so no, we aren’t wasting class time on this.
So no, I’m not inspecting genitals. And if there is a move to do such a thing at school, I’d spend the entire class time calling parents letting them know what’s going on.
Of course they did, it’s all they think about
This is stupid as fuck, right, but who doesn’t accompany their child into the doctor’s office?
Like there are no circumstances under which I’m leaving my child alone with an adult who may examine their genitals and having had child safety training myself just being alone with a child that isn’t yours is a terrible idea altogether.
So… under no circumstances are they going to bring doctors into schools to perform these inspections?
I suppose that hadn’t occurred to me because I live in a country where, if that were to happen, I couldn’t imagine the level of social unrest it would cause.
It’s just beyond reason.
‘Doctors’ like someone who passed med school, flunked out of residency and couldn’t land a practicing job anywhere they were so god awful.
But they are a doctor!
Maybe not even a doctor of medicine at all, or they were disbarred.
I got my doctorate in smelling shit at this online university!
I think part if the motivation here would be to allow the doctor present at a school to determine whether a child is participating in the correct sex-appropriate placement. Like using the correct locker rooms or bathrooms in case teachers or other students bring up an issue (for example if a boy were to go into a girl’s locker room and claim to really be a girl). Since appearance doesn’t line up with sex in many cases nowadays, the inspection would be to determine the real sex of the individual. Some school activities will involve nudity (changing before entering a swimming pool, communal showering after a sports match or gym class, etc.) so the authors of this were initially pushing for any teacher (such as the supervisor in a locker room or the teacher of the associated class) to be able to inspect/determine the sex of the individual.
Something to do down in those otherwise unused pizza restaurant basements.
It’s the pedo enabling act!
It’s like they learned the wrong lessons from the US gymnastics team incidents.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Most pedophiles are Republicans. Now they get to visually molest your kids legally, neat.
Genital Obsession Party
Oh, come on, it’s just a ChildS exAM
That’s called pedophilia