Germans can be depended upon to do the right thing.
Hell yeah
Fuck yeah!
Funny house suddenly Teslas have become more valuable as an insurance payout then they are as a car.
Genius move
Were they really set on fire, or did their batteries just explode? This could very well be another case of the new and improved Pinto spontaneously going off.
Well that’s terrible. You naughty, naughty Germans.
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Like I don’t like vandalism (wow heroic statement) but urgh if it happens to regular people who also just work and live paycheque to paycheque, it sucks
If you live paycheck to paycheck you don’t own a Teala in Germany.
Behold the truth !
political motivescommon sense could not be ruled out.Today i am not ashamed to be german for once :)
does this count as an attack on America?
Germans know the evil and danger of nazis and fascism better then anyone else. Fuck Trump and fuck Elon
That’s the spirit. …Cause fuck Nazis. Germany gets it. They’re like, “Trust us, ve know how dis turns üt.”
At what point do the board members and shareholders fire Herr Musk?
Well, one of the board members is his brother and the rest are loyalists so probably not until a shareholder revolt.
Hence the car sales show at the White House, generating some PR to pump up the stock. It worked, for now.
Ya, I saw they are all dumping Tesla stock too. LOL.
That’s fine. Let him run it into the ground. No skin off my nuts
Au contraire it’s surely time for his bonus
When all their golden parachutes are endangered
He culled everyone that wasn’t his lacky early on including the actual founders
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