“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Oh now Trump wants allies?
Recognize the passive voice: “The US has reached out”. They don’t say Trump reached out or the Trump administration reached out.
Air delivered eggs from another continent, surely they’re going to be cheap. If only there were at least two neighboring countries that could be able to send them for cheaper…
Trump Says “We Don’t Need Products From Canada”. Repeatedly said in recorded interviews.
Why would anyone want to help ?
For profit.
Unfortunately they have totally unpreventable tariffs right now. I said totally unavoidable. No way to prevent it.
Very sad, very sad
Everyone’s saying it.
Maybe I’m uninformed in these things. But isn’t it super easy to get the supply of eggs increased domestically? Even in a country like India which almost has 1.5 billion people, I’ve never heard about a shortage of eggs.
I think the short supply is due to bird flu, so not really
Has America considered asking Panama for eggs? Or Gaza?
The Norwegian government will offer eggs, and we will only ask for the state of New York or as we like to call it: Nye Jorvik. The citizens of Nye Jorvik will enjoy all the benefits from a stabile, functioning social democracy.
Can you ask them to throw in New Jersey too?
everyone moves to Nye Jorvik
Sinnsyk fin ide fra en sinnsyk fin bart
Oh nooo, won’t someone think of poor America.
We use the word eggs in German the way yankies use nuts or balls. That said, yes, you can swallow our eggs, dear US government.
How’d your most recent election go?
Iirc, they didn’t actually elect fascists.
Traitors who deserve prison can downvote me all they want, Germans whining about the US after that election are a joke.
die zeggs
Hah! Get wrecked, cunt!
FUCK THAT. Let’s see eggs go to $5/each. We need to face the consequences of our collective fucking idiot electoral choices.
I’m confused as to why people are still buying eggs. I’ve gotten on fine without them all my life
Eggs have been a staple poverty food in the US. Frying up one egg can give you your whole day’s supply of protein plus a lot of nutrients, and it used to be that it could do that for about 20 cents. No more, though.
…7 grams of protein as a day’s supply? Ok
Ok I definitely thought they had more. Maybe I’m thinking of a different nutrient. I don’t remember. Point is they are nutritious and they used to be cheap.
Cheese is the best source of protein for normal non-bodybuilder food.
Cheese is high in fat, making it a bad source of protein for most people. It’s delicious, but no very healthy.
I like making Dutch babies
…I wanna know what kind of kinky shit you’re into if impregnating Dutch women requires a dozen eggs?
Rofl! You made me drop my phone.
Its a pancake.
Dutch baby, also known as a German pancake, is a large, oven-baked pancake, similar to a popover or Yorkshire
Oooooooooohhhhhhhh…that actually sounds really good lol sorry for the confusion.
No worries, it was sort of intentional
They were a relatively cheap, healthy, reliable source of protein. Also, they’re delicious.
Probably the most versatile food as well.
Probably mostly restaurants right now.
A simple “Fuck off America” would suffice
Hilarious. The US reaching out to the people they’ve insulted, threatened or victimized in some way, shape or form and asking them for help. And when they get refused, they’ll tell the American people that everyone is being so mean to them.
That’s what happens when the country is led by someone who has never faced consequences fir anything
Lay your own eggs, turkey looking cunt.
If we did, we couldn’t import them and charge a tariff to bleed our people dry one egg at a time until they are broke and slaves on the corporate plantation.
Jive ass turkey looking cunt
I thought the US didn’t need anything from anyone else? Isn’t that what you said?
So Trump can’t get it under control. Got it.
Well, he solved it on day one.
On day two, eggs went unexpectedly expensive again. It’s not his fault.
Americas chickens coming home to roost
They did that on 9-11. Out of a plane full of Saudis and two Iraqis, look how that is still turning out.