As investment, I bought this, instead of stocks. Any ideas on what to do with it?
- 75km (1hr) to a big international airport. Airport has direct flights to most EU capitals (2-4hr flights)
- 50km to city center
- 25km from nearest large residential area (500,000+ population)
- 5km from massive organized industrial area (government supports factories here)
- 35km from a rich residential area
- 1km away from the village (its old and mostly depopulated) and animal husbandry area
- There is public transportation, but one has to walk 1.5km after leaving the bus.
- There is no direct road access to the land. You have to walk like 200m after leaving your car.
- 1km road to here is non-asphalt and its a bit bumpy ride. When it rains, it gets bad here. It rains rarely
It is quite peaceful and quiet there. You can hear interesting bird sounds sometimes. You see no buildings, no cars and no humans anywhere near you when you’re there, which feels great imo. You notice the air quality after you leave your car. I personally absolutely would want to live here for a while
- Trying to clarify this rn, but I think I can make $120-160/yr/decare from leasing the land to a farmer. Land is 25 decares
- “Unique co-living opportunity with vegan food & yoga sessions” In other words, remote work / digital nomad village for people who want to work REALLY remotely :) I’d have to arrange electricity (solar panels and powerbanks), internet, toilet, shower, water, tents, mattresses/pillows/sheets, food, drinking water. (Though I don’t know what people will do when they’re bored here? Any ideas? Meditation would get boring after some point)
- Sadly location isn’t touristic, but it is 1hr flight away from extremely touristic areas. One of those areas, a city, was the most visited city in the world a few years ago.
- I’ve met a few volunteers and they seemed quite willing to volunteer for whatever I decide to do here (if I do anything). For those unfamiliar: WWOOF and Workaway
Also- Any suggestions on where I should ask this question on the internet?
What does VISA sponsorship require? Maybe you could setup a farm/agrarian business and offer VISA sponsorship for migrants. As an American, I’d consider becoming a farmer with the opportunity to become an EU citizen lol probably not easy to do for a reason though.
I feel like solar farming was a good suggestion from someone else. Maybe plant some trees if you’re not keen on making it a farm. If you can get it zoned, you might be able to get investment for residential? Though public transportation is lacking, maybe you could be the start of a small apartment complex or something like that. Idk much about this kind of thing.
Edible forest
I couldn’t tell you what to do with it but if I move to europe I will work on your commune and help with whatever as long as you’ll have me lol
25 decares is a lot of land, you could have an entire city there. If the land is viable for farming you could allot enough of it to produce whatever you would need to sustain the population of the property, and have the rest of the place developed into living spaces and recreational areas like you said. A sports park, little golf course, botanical gardens, animal sanctuaries. Thats stuff for citizens to do besides meditate.
I mean, this is a real opportunity to create generational prosperity not just for you but for everyone who is involved in building it up. I hope that, whatever happens, you keep it safe from people who would see it turned into more wealthy suburbs or a cash crop operation that kills the soil in a generation.
Good luck to you on your journey and, again, I’d be thrilled to be a part of it
Dude I would homestead the shit out of that. Better be careful or they’ll have a bunch of lemmings (Lemmy nerds?) show up with a trowel and high hopes.
Did you ever see the movie Holes (2003)?
Are you suggesting they might have a no good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather?
Sex shack
I’d go to jail probably
Who or what are you planning on having sex with?
What happens on the farm, stays on the farm 🫡
That’s why you get your cult followers to give you all their money, so you can afford lawyers, they can’t, and the other followers can be readily coerced into placing social pressure on any dissent. This is about YOU, the work is about YOU, everything is about YOU and it always has been.
Tell you what not to do. I did the same and built an Rv park. Well so far that been a bust. They only work where they’re lots of people. Also farming is an idea but only for your personal use. Farming for profit is a no win game. Depending on where this is located will decide what you can do with it. Also zoning.
Build a large wall around the entire perimeter of the property.
Construct a tall stone tower in the middle of the property and paint it completely matt black.
Poison the land around the tower, so nothing, not even grass can grow.
Have packs of wild, feral dogs roam the property.
Dress in dark grey robes, and spend the rest of your days on the top of the tower, screaming obscenities at any passers-by, or shaking your fist angryly at the sky.
Step 1, dig big hole, step two, become one with tge ant people, step 3 never see daylight again
That seems like far too little rain to do much farming without totally draining local aquifers.
I might be wrong but this area is relatively wet despite little rain. There’s even a small swamp in middle of my parcel. There’s a big river 1km away
Plant some dang trees for starters, unless it’s only going to be land used for farming.
Even then, dynamic agroforestry would be nice.
Orchard farming, just add more tree
I vote for the dang trees. I like trees.
Ain’t nobody speaking for them dang trees so lend a hand and give em a voice.
At least a wind block on the edges
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Plant an orchard.
If I had this land, I’d grow food.
Idk the yours or OPs situation but the start up costs of running a farm are pretty high. Not to mention the actual farming work part of it.
With all the rage about digital detox trips you could probably get people to grow food for you while paying you for the opportunity, if the marketing is done right.
Holiday in Cambodia but unironically. Loves me some chorin’
It’s a hard life picking stones and pulling teats, but as sure as God’s got sandals it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails.
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get people to [ …do XY]
Doesn’t work unless they can drive right into it with their small cars.
Of course it does. The guided meditative walk is essential as every step helps you leave the toxicity of digital life behind and prepares you to open yourself up to the present.
Hey wanna be my marketer? :D
You wouldn’t want that and I wouldn’t want that. Trust me. :D
MMM, field lobsters
As in subsistence farming or trying to bring food to market? If the former, it will be a hard path, but possible.
OP is not in the USA
If the latter, have you seen what is happening in the current food markets? For produce (quick spoilage) other nations are rejecting our produce either because of tariffs or because of retaliatory tariffs. For commodity grains like corn and soybeans, previous giant consumers like USAID, USDA, and other agencies are being cut or destroyed entirely meaning there will be a glut of production on the market for some time. Couple that with visa restrictions/deportations, the price of labor will increase substantially. Food prices are going to crater for a time because of this, and some farmers will go out of business. Those that survive will increase prices to cover all of the new expenses, but they won’t be earning more profit from their work.OP seems to be in Europe, so I’m not sure how much of your second point applies.
You’re right. I didn’t pick up on that. Thanks for that correction.
Does that apply in Europe? OP says most European capitals have direct flights, that take 2-4 hours, so that probably puts this somewhere in Europe.
Start a cult
But first you need the idea. I’d say leftwing based religious science compatible apocalyptics is an untapped market. So basically make a bunker commune for societal collapse based on climate change and say all the current right wing politicians are demons accelerating it to bring upon hell on earth, and that oil is the devil’s blood.
Just off the top of my head that’s an idea.
If I knew how I’d already have a cult of my own. I hear being charismatic is a prerequisite
If you build it
They will come
You could look into rewilding the land
as an investment
Edit: but, also: