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The hp printer app says it needs your location to connect to WiFi. It says it needs your location all the time when not using the app, again to connect to WiFi
I think that’s to do with how permissions work.
Having wi-fi access can technically tell the app where you’re located so you need to give it location access
Which is stupid because it then also gets GPS access.
Can confirm.
Now, I just need to know why my calculator needs access to my contacts.
You just reminded me of one particular calculator app which put “+” button behind a paywall
That’s because it gets lonely and needs someone to text.
It’s because one is the loneliest number.
That’s one of the features Google should have stolen from Cyanogen/LineageOS long ago which had permissions differentiated between precise location and approximate
Marketing. Corporate leadership has decided marketing knows better software design than actual engineers.
Bro, just use AI, bro, you don’t need developers, bro, also skip the testing, bro, who is going to hack your SaaS, bro
Just let ai code bro its so much better and more reliable, just does what its told it works so good bro, ai is the future its so smart.
Remember that day when GDPR dropped and website suddenly started loading much faster.
Duh, it’s because more and more code is ran remotely. Wait…
It’s like Moore’s law. The number of bytes for a basic app doubles every 2.5 years.
When I was young, we’d get a few different games games on a single 1.4 Mb floppy disk. The games were simpler, sure, but exactly the same games now would be far bigger in bytes.
At least games make sense, as the graphics get better. Though in some cases, the compression is also better. Like PS5 games are smaller on average than their PS4 versions, even though they have higher resolution textures in most cases, just because the PS5 has better compression/decompression tech.
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Compression is mostly done in software.
uh, bad news for you.
All programming is done in software my guy.
Great! Your point?
this entire thread is about software being dogshit? (this specific comment thread is about compression being moderately improved on one console, but that’s not really significant)
Like PS5 games are smaller on average than their PS4 versions
My favorite example of this is Subnautica. The system didn’t call on the assets as quickly, or a different way I can’t remember all of the details but essentially they had to put like five copies of every asset on the ps4 version to get it to run properly. The ps5 accesses the assets fast enough it only needs one copy. At least that’s how it was explained to me.
Better than that, the lack of reliance on spinning disks means that asset duplication and data read order is less of a requirement to reduce load times. It can still be argued that there’s just too many polygons, since simply scaling things back would be plenty effective in reducing storage usage and load times.
The other problem for bigger GB games is texture resolution. Games don’t always need 8K or 4K textures. 2K is good enough.
My shitty eyes can’t detect any difference past 720p
I only notice that the bigger the resolution, the smaller the text when the game in question has poor scaling options for the 2D elements…
Games is the one example that actually makes sense though. The game code size hasn’t really increased tremendously, but the uncompressed assets have only gotten more detailed and more numerous.
Why? Its libraries are a few kilobytes each.
https://bundlephobia.com/package/react@19.0.0 - 7.3 Kb
https://bundlephobia.com/package/react-dom@19.0.0 - 3.6 KbIs that the JS bundle only? I think you’re forgetting the need to ship a rendering engine, a JavaScript engine, and the rest of the JS you inevitably bring in if you’re using something like React.
Oh, I focus mainly on web. ‘Forgetting’ to ship engines is my bread & butter. lol I see you meant React (+Electron).
Paypal has 500 mb and just shows a number and you can press a button to send a number to their server.
It’s insane
You made me check it, and on my android device it’s 337 (just the app). Jesus Christ.
Mine has 660MB with 7MB user data, 15MB cache.
LMAO, he also made me check it.
347 MB for me, no wonder why I am always struggling with storage for my 128 GB phone (with not expandable storage of course), and I don’t even have that many games, even less ROMs 😅
Check out the apps Hermit and Native Alpha. They make web pages run like an app. I’ve only run into a couple sites where they don’t work right.
Dude!! What a badass concept, cannot wait to give this a shot!!
Native alpha sounds good since it’s foss and uses vanadium’s webview. Are you still logged in to paypal (any annoying website) a couple of months later. Or does it revoke your rights after a while?
I only use it rarely and I hate providing my info for 5 minutes just to do one transaction.
Has to send a number to Apple’s server too! actually not even sure if that’s client side.
And every CoD and most big title games…
It’s all because of Electron, unnecessary libraries, and just bad coders. Asus Armoury Crate weighs a lot and is so slow, but it’s basically a simple app. Total Commander has much more features, but it’s fast, lightweight, and consumes 9 MB of RAM.
I’ve said this on reddit before, but once for a joke I tried to make a windows program to play doot.wav during October at random, and tried programming it on Linux.
Sinds playing audio and working with the system tray was tricky, I ended up with electron.
So yeah, an atrocious 120 mb application to play a 6kb wav file with a
. I don’t remember the memory consumption, but it was probably just as gross.Which faang company are you sr. engineer at?
Once I wrote an annoying program adding acceleration to the mouse cursor, so it was difficult to click any UI item. It was written in Object Pascal with Win API and weighted 16 KB. And I think in C it would be even smaller.
I remember there was a pretty funny prank program that would make the user’s mouse pointer leave behind little poops on the screen at random.
Simple reason - dependencies.
Modern devs dump any dependency and sub-dependency under the sun into their project and don’t bother about optimizing it. That’s how you end up with absurdly large applications. Especially electron is a problem in this regard.
You can still write optimized and small software. However, for most businesses, it’s just not worth their time. Rather using an additional couple hundred megabytes of dependencies on the client system.
In terms of programming, absolutely some bloat there.
But I would wager a majority (or plurality) would actually be high(er) res media assets, embedded animations and video etc.
I’d wager it’s the multilevel dependency of countless prebuilt components when devs are only going to use a small fraction of their capabilities.
I don’t get paid to optimize, I get paid to implement features.
The only sector where that is applicable is games.
Tell that to my banking apps!
It’s the ads.
Kinda tired of people referring to my work as “IT”
What would you prefer?
Since I’m an engineer and I engineer things, maybe “engineering.”
Do you make engines?
No, I drive trains.
Have one of those cool hats?
And I get to toot the whistle
Feral Developer Level 3
IT sector
Still no.
I’m not setting up routers or configuring laptops.
I’m designing and building systems.
“IT” being used this way just means “touch computer.”
So you work with information technology? 😉
Agreed, anyone that falls below the CIO gets called IT.
What about the CTO?
I think this is a European thing. “IT” is a general term for any tech work, whereas in the US that term refers to technician level network infrastructure and sysadmin work.
No, people misuse the term in the US, too.
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Oh, they have new functionality. It’s all in the back end, detailing everything you do and sending it to the parent company so they can monetize your life.
It’s nearly all just using a whole library instead of the specific single function thats actually required, because few people are actually writing any code these days.
Why are you asking? Are you trying to prematurely optimize these apps?
They only came out 10 years ago. If we optimize now, how will we integrate an AI chat agent feature next year?
Why does notepad requires 320 GBs now?
Certainly not for running an LLM on all your files to figure out which ads to show you in the start menu. Why would you even imply something like that?
*shifty eyes* Um yes
Because the app stores keep adding new requirements that you have to add code to deal with and it gets worse every year and seemingly every day.
Isn’t it strange that a shop is demanding code?