Yeah, no shit. Now how do we make it stop?
Yes Rico
It’s not drugs, he’s just a douche
Could be both
Drug fuelled douche
Who cares what the cause of the behavior is? It is unacceptable.
That should be enough. No need to even try to explain of empathize with it.
But it is telling that the richest man in the history of mankind acts like this. People should see that wealth does not equate to strength, intelligence, good politics, etc. But instead people see wealth as a way to get away with anything they want, even if it is completely embarrassing stuff that no one with self respect would even think about.
Very true. Fuck the rich
I believe it would be worth to research it. Similar to research into serial killers and other “unwanted” neurotypes we should try to learn how we can prevent people becoming like this and prevent becoming their victims
Have you met his mother? That also explains a lot.
You mean his sister?
Growing up the son of a wealthy emerald-mine owning dysfunctional family in apartheid South Africa explains a lot of his behavior too.
And grandson of the head of the “technocracy” party in Canada:
I mean, that dude died when he was 3. It is possible his views were passed onto his mother, but.
Who is giving him this shit?
Catch me on the street with whatever pharmacy of dugs Musk is taking and I’d probably be sitting in front of a judge pretty quickly. Just another example of the rich doing whatever the F they want with no consequences.
Thinking about it, whoever Elon’s dealer is probably has a pretty sweet gig as far as drug dealing goes. They’ve got someone on the hook who is the magical combination of being an addict, has infinite wealth, doesn’t know the value of anything, and is a huge asshole so they probably don’t even feel bad about exploiting them lol.
I’m sure Elon pays a huge premium for an exclusive, on-call drug dealer.
Ketamine is the least of this dude’s problems.
Musk = POS Nazi wannabe!
Add Kanye West to that list as well
deleted by creator
They gave my cat ket before they euthanized her. She looked absolutely blissful, but certainly in no fit state to run a government.
I mean this in the nicest way, but your cat would make an excellent replacement for the current governor.
Lenny’s Cat 2028
Hell I’d make a dead cat leader of DOGE over the current one
Is this what “dead cat bounce” means?
I have a lot of ketamine users in my town and many highly functioning ones and it’s very clear that the drug has long tail disassociative effects. They are so disconnected and zombie like despite seemingly functional.
I say this as a psychonaut myself - long term K use is pretty scary but people are afraid to shit on K because if not abused it’s seems to have a lot of powerful positive effects on many.
My mother had to take it for a nerve condition and it fucked her up. Ruined parts of her nervous system and she required physical therapy to be able to grasp objects again.
She has now been in several car accidents since cause she goes into hazes and acts differently. I’m not sure it has good side effects other than being an incredibly strong tranquilizer and disassociative.
Lots of drugs are considered highly by their users but this one seems to have some pretty rough sides to make it sound at all positive to me.Life is literally an exercise in balance and homeostasis. Too much of anything is almost always bad in the long term.
Yeah I mean, water and oxygen can both kill you in high enough amounts.
when you get the message, hang up the phone
A fragile ego and sense of entitlement could also explain a lot of it. This comes from experience and, thankfully, at least some people can get better.
Along with those unsettling side effects, the psychopharmacology researcher and her team also found that regular users scored very high on delusional thinking scales and seemed to be convinced that they were receiving secret messages sent to them alone
Sounds like him but honestly money and power is probably enough to explain his delusional behaviour
People are too hard on drugs. Drugs are great. the ketamine might be helping for all we know. It’s money and feeling unwanted as a child that has caused this man’s brain damage.
You can see the insecure little boy in him so much. Him and Joe Rogan. They are so obviously doing everything in themselves to have some confidence but not even millions and billions of dollars can fill that hole of abandonment.
Right, no one does the amount of steroids Joe Rogan does without having a severe case of body dysmorphia or something similar
Unfortunately it’s something as banal as height. He’s 5’8, same size as ben shapiro.
As a 5’6" man…is 5’8" supposed to be short or something 0_0
Isn’t anything under 6 feet short?
Only to a pillow princess
Little boy feels unwanted.
Little boy commits to getting rich and successful so he’ll feel wanted.
Little boy achieves success.
Little boy finds out the money prevents him from forming any meaningful relationships.
The world burns.
Yeah sad to see so many people here make the same error that the US (and most of the world) did regarding cannabis for 80+ years.
Stop falling for propaganda like this.
The dose makes the poison. I have seen people go from helped by prescription adderall to completely paranoid and detached from reality at high doses.
It can be both bad for him at his dosages and good for others, and I think most people here have understood that, though maybe I’m being optimistic
Or him having been an entitled narcissist surrounded by sycophants for his entire life.