Republicans’ efforts to portray Elon Musk as a MAGA martyr are failing, as his victim narrative struggles to resonate with conservative audiences.
Musk’s controversial statements and perceived elitism, including his complaints of being targeted by Democrats, have alienated even right-wing supporters.
Protests and vandalism against Tesla have damaged the brand, and Musk’s ties to Trump have hurt the Trump’s approval ratings, especially on economic issues.
Attempts to rally sympathy for Musk, including his emotional Fox News appearance, have largely backfired.
Protests and vandalism against Tesla have damaged the brand
This is the narrative Musk and Republicans want.
The protests and vandalism aren’t hurting his brand.
They’re another consequence of him openly being a fucking Nazi, which is what’s hurting his brand.
It’s not that complicated, but a shit ton of people keep missing the point
“I can excuse some nazism, but vandalism is where I draw the line!”
…you can excuse nazism?
Won’t someone think of the stock market?!
Also “controversial statements and perceived elitism” is doing some heavy lifting…
Protests and vandalism are the effects of a shitty brand, not the cause. Musk himself is the cause.
If they are at all like the rest of the country, he’ll get a pass to keep on trucking/fuckin/suckin
Why would any person want to kill Muskrat? I can’t even think of 10,000 reasons. I certainly don’t think the world would be a better place if he was feeding worms in a shallow grave.
Musk, if you cared about your fragile reputation, you should never have entered politics in the first place. We would’ve just been back to hating you because you’re the richest and the symbol of capitalism.
But we hate you because not only are you that, but you happily stomp over things you don’t care to understand why it is important to have them in the first place that so many Americans rely on. You are Trump’s bitch, you got here because he rewarded you for supporting him, like he has with all of his corrupt buddies.
Get the fuck out of politics, dissolve your stupid tongue-in-cheek government branch and fuck off.
he lost his mind when vivian came out trans, and GRIME started dating chelsea manning. and nobody would back him on trying to get ouf the twitter purchase. he now compensates with ketamine and cocaine.
Seriously! If I were the richest man in the world, I’d just fuck off quietly to my secret billionaire volcano, where I’d get fucked up on wine plundered from a sunken Spanish treasure galleon, and drugs you’ve never even heard of, for as long as I want, because literally nothing can affect you when you’re that rich! Why would you invite so much mockery??
Because true respect is something money can’t buy.
They say money can buy you whatever you want, but really it can only buy you items and appearances. But rich people spend so much time just throwing money at various desires and issues that they tend to confuse appearances with substance. Note Musk buying ‘skill’ at video games, and the push for AI—because it allows them to pretend to have skill at something they don’t.
So they endlessly chase appearances, and are confused when all they end up holding is empty air. An unsatisfying feeling, to say the least.
When you have everything else, and you’re still not happy, and throwing money at the issue is your only skill, you keep trying that, no matter how often it doesn’t work.
People cheer at the news that Tesla dealerships are burning. That isn’t because they hate Tesla, it’s because Musk is an insufferable piece of shit. He solidified his legacy of trash when he went alt-right. He’s now the villain and always will be
And the fucker revels being a villain. CPAC appearance on stage with a chainsaw, telling Bob Iger to go fuck himself, Nazi salutes, the list goes on… His brain is obviously mush, but I kinda wonder how he thought this was going to play out for his companies any other way than it has.
God that looked as dumb as a door knob, wouldn’t even fit for WWE show
He thought he was going to be second in command in Trump’s cult, and every MAGAt would be buying Teslas and using Starlink for Internet. He thinks he’s a Hero and he thinks everyone will support whatever he does just because he’s the one doing it.
He didn’t read the fine print before he aligned himself with Trump and now he’s paying the price & crying about it which is having the effect of making him look weak & stupid, when he thought it would make him a martyr.
This is what I don’t understand: did felon truly believe that average magas (so not fascists tech bros and nepo babies) are going to give up gas cars and buy EVs instead?
How are they going to lord it over cyclists if they can’t even spew out black emissions as they speed by?
I own a Tesla and I cheer at the news. While I don’t particularly want someone to burn mine before it sells, I wouldn’t begrudge whoever did it.
Get rid of it sooner rather than later, friend. It’ll only depreciate more. That or body swap it with something more innocuous like a camry
Paint it in an LGBTQ+ rainbow flag. Even if it’s with rattle cans from Home Depot.
I kinda want to swap a classic car onto a Tesla chassis, while removing anything with Tesla code. No idea if it’s even possible.
I think there’s kits you can buy, but they can get pretty pricy. Though if you’re restoring a classic car, that’s already a pricy endeavor
Just make sure you’ve got insurance, and they’ll be doing you a favor.
My thoughts exactly!
They say things like this because their base wants to kill people they dislike. Most people don’t want to kill people they dislike, they want them to win three Guinness World Records for longest lasting, least operable, and largest hemorrhoids.
Imagine saying “They basically want me dead.” and then wearing your child as a human shield. Father of the year.
And how many lives do you think he’s destroyed as he takes a chainsaw to their careers?
I don’t want you dead, Elon. I want you to be penniless and without anyone willing to loan you money anymore.
I don’t want you dead, Elon.
Let’s not be hasty, now.
I don’t care if he’s dead or not. I just never want to have to hear that stupid Twitter guy say another word. I’m at the point where a single sentence from him makes me cringe enough to throw my phone across the room. Dead or irrelevant makes no difference to me. Just wish he was gone. Go to Mars already idiot.
Nah, they’re right. Dead people can’t suffer.
While he certainly deserves to suffer proportional to the suffering he’s causing, top priority is stop him from causing more - if that means he ends up taking a bullet in a manner that renders him incapable of processing what’s happening, I’ll still count that as a good start.
While he certainly deserves to suffer proportional to the suffering he’s causing
Even Abu Gharib would struggle to do that. The scale of influence billionaires have is insane.
Can’t we have both?
I want Squirrel Girl to mob him with 1000s of squirrels, dragging him from wherever he is to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge, then dangle him by whatever nuts he’s got on him.
Then I’ll be happy.
I mean, no amount of torture will ever be proportional to the amount of suffering he’s caused, so, if the opportunity presents to make his death excruciating, then by all means: my point is simply that all that takes the back burner to stopping him from damaging our country/planet.
Stop him at any cost; use him as an opportunity to send a warning to other oligarchs if able.
Personally, I would prefer the squirrels to treat him like roadkill. They can start with his precious nuts and work their way up.
Speak for yourself.
I don’t care what happens to him as long as I no longer have to hear about him.
You’ll be heading about him for a long time. I mean Hitler is still taught about today as far as I know.
Yeah if he’s dead, how will we revel in his failures?
I remember about twenty years or so ago there was a tiny plaque in there parking lot the Soviets built over the fürerbunker. It gave me great calmness to pee there, against the sign
Now it’s a bus stop. So current and future generations are deprived of this simple connection with their anti-fascist ancestors.
I want him to blast off on a self funded one way trip to Mars with his closest friends. Then televise him and friends trying to create a Mars society. It would be better than any reality show produced yet.
What odds are they giving for “shitty rocket accidentally blows up on launch”?
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At this point they might as well go back to trying to make a martyr out of the United Healthcare guy who’s name I remember about as well as Elon Musk remembers what compassion is.
Oligarchs deserve what’s coming. The Oligarchs are trying to convince the people they don’t have rights. At first the people will peacefully demand the restoration of the constitutional order. When the oligarchs refuse, the people will fight back, taking the fight to the doorstep of the oligarchs. If fighting starts, it will be too late for the oligarchs - the people are well armed.
I kinda want him to live in gitmo for the rest of his life.
If he were killed they would all give fake sadness and fake tears but in private they would all be ‘FINALLY’. The internet will be up in arms with celebration, and the simps will eventually forget they even knew the guy.
I don’t want to kill Musk, but I’m not going to shed any tears about anything bad that happens to him or any other racist, fascist piece of shit.
Clarence Darrow wrote: “All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”
Yeah, I don’t want to do it, but it would be convenient if he did
Don’t kill him. Just tax him like they would with a normal working person. That would throw him into a world of sufferung.
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A traitor to whom? South Africa? He seems to be doing a fine job for his country. More room on the global stage for them with Murca out of the picture.
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Musk stated that his immigration path included “a gray area” regarding his work eligibility in Silicon Valley during his early career.
I don’t even think he has a green card.
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Let’s compromise: Let him pay taxes first, and then treat him as the traitor he is.
fuck the taxes. just seize all his assets. everything ‘he’ owns is now government property, debt-free.
if the banks don’t like it, they can do their part to never let this happen again.
I mean, that’s what a government that existed for the people would have already done. so maybe we should stop relying on a fictional government to save us?
Seize all his assets and put them into funds for universal health care, social security, WIC, etc. Then not to be cruel, provide him with food and shelter like you would any living creature; however to get to the food each day, he has to walk down a street that is lined with people who can jeer, boo, spit and laugh at him (but fenced off so not allowed to do any violence), and daily footage is streamed online for viewing by those unable to attend.
again, I think when this stops being worth the entertainment value, it’s okay to put him to the only genuinely pro-social use he’ll ever have in a field somewhere.
Ah. Execution by suicide. Absolutely lovely. 🥰
If only we used civil asset forfeiture on this traitor.
crash his tesla stock, and he will pay tax on them. Make elon the freeloader of tax payer subsidies pay his taxes.
i mean, he’s already lost $200B net worth. If we keep at it, he will be in the gutter soon enough.
Put him to death for treason and tax his estate at 100% and absorb Space X into NASA.
It isn’t just him. The whole oligarchy have understand that the guillotine is being prepared and that they are next.
Then maybe they will pretend to not be assholes, and thus save themselves.
I think he’s done enough damage and stolen enough from the american people that he deserves to hang.
If empathy’s a weakness then Karma is a bitch
I wish for him to be reborn as bee, so that when in anger he stings a person, he must remove his stinger himself in a desperate plea to survive or tear his innards out in the ultimate karma that would humble his soul.
Bees are pretty much the angels of the insect world… Harming no-one and nothing, and almost single-handedly holding up the ecosystem of a quarter of the planet’s life forms.
He’s got a long way to go to reach level bee.
Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn’t have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.
Just every day some little misfortune to balance out karma like wet sleeves after washing hands, occasionally stepping into dog crap, marmalade toast falling on the floor upside down, a few paper cuts, stepping onto lego barefoot, mobile phone falling into toilet bowl and so on.
Why can’t people just BE NICE to the Billionaire Illegal Immigrant Taking ALL our Jobs?
Yes, I’m suprised at all the hate considering he’s white.