This may or may not be inspired by the nebula original abolish everything, a show I have not watched.
Video tutorials without captions/instead of text. I don’t want to watch someone fumble through over 30 minutes what I can skim in 5.
Our modern day concept of ownership.
Green bell peppers. I hate the way they taste. Had someone tell me they don’t taste like anything. Ok then why even bother if there’s no taste?
They are good for menemen/shakshuka/cajun.
Green bell peppers have a distinct taste. They also mature into other colors of pepper so your request is denied.
Manchester United Football Club
Pineapple. Not just on pizza (although that is an abomination), but all pineapple in food or drinks. It’s weird and slimy and its taste taints everything it touches. Plus fresh pineapple is trying to digest you while you eat it. Just a horrible fruit all around.
I will not be swayed by counter arguments.
You, sir or madam, are an abomination and should be abolished.
Pineapple is only slimy when inappropriately treated. For pizza you need to cut into small chunks, drain over a sink for a minute, and then quick fry in a pan to give a little caramelization. THEN put on pizza and bake. It is magic, paired with Canadian bacon, salty, sweet. Yum
Best breakfast burrito: the Hawaiian. Ham, potatoes, pineapple, eggs, sour cream. In fact, you have inspired me, with your hateful statements this morning, and I’ll be putting and order in shortly.
Best breakfast burrito: the Hawaiian.
You are obviously disturbed and need professional help, that you would defile the sanctity of a breakfast burrito with that devil fruit.
…it was delicious. I thought I abolished you… No more nonsense, thank you.
Best breakfast burrito: the Hawaiian. Ham, potatoes, pineapple, eggs, sour cream.
Damn, that sounds good.
It is amazing. They put mango salsa on it.
If you ever come to Anchorage, Alaska. Burrito factory. It’s in a gas station, but they have a proper kitchen, and cook to order. Super weird, I know, but i take all my friends there when they come for a visit, and they always ask to go again, the next time they come up.
Burrito Factory does make some excellent burritos, but I’d actually recommend Burrito Heaven over them. Unless you specifically want a breakfast burrito. It is hard to beat Burrito Factory’s breakfast burritos.
Eh. I don’t love burrito heaven. But I also eat breakfast burritos almost exclusively, so maybe that is it.
This is me with mango. Disgusting ass food that’s related to poison ivy. No thanks!
News outlets taking quotes from company PR/employees and including them alongside facts about reality. “Company x does something horrible, here is the data. Meanwhile, the CEO says it’s inaccurate because bs reasonexcuse.”. So much of corporate media is this, we’ve nearly lost the expectation a news outlet have any sense of responsibility outside of an easy quote from the paid company representative. Every single employee quote should come with footer “but of course this person does pay their mortgage based on saying whatever the companies needs it to to continue doing what benefits it the most so this is idiotically biased”.
24 hour news is to blame.
You can’t have one story anymore. You need to turn it into like 20 stories. Which means that one story, but the perspective of every single other person. The CEO, the Janitor, Ja Rule, everyone.
The ability for human beings to advance scientific knowledge further than it currently exists.
Something needs to protect the rest of the galaxy from us.
Ah, the Amish Philosophy.
Pick a time period and stick to it like it’s a moral virtue
LOL, the Amish Philosophy.
Nothing so crude. I simply think it’s better for the universe if we don’t propagate it, because we’re not a good enough example for other species to follow yet. It’s not about respecting “God’s” law so much as acknowledging humanity’s limitations. We’re a pathetic species, not ready for rulership over multiple planets, let alone multiple solar systems. My comment simply suggests I don’t have confidence we ever will be. This has nothing to do with the Amish belief that we’re better in a simplistic state; just that the universe is better without us in whatever state.
You include earth in that?
I guess I’m wondering if you’d agree things would be better if humans didn’t exist.
Largely, yeah. I think it would have been fine if we’d stayed in the Iron Age. Things started getting fucked up with the Industrial Revolution.
Did you know that that painting was the reserve of the rich before the industrial revolution and the invention of synthetic pigments?
Now we let toddlers play with paints at preschool.
Dihydrogen monoxide.
Literally kills thousands of people a year.
I don’t know why people worry about this so much. You can literally wash it off with water.
It’s all around us. Easier to remove the carbon based life forms.
I want to abolish door knobs. They account for a thousand injuries in the world every few months. They must go.
(For the sake of the question since the question is over everyone’s head in the section)
Professional sports teams. I’m just sick of hearing people blather on endlessly about them and expecting me to join in.
Bring back gladiators!
Its the drawn out bullshit that I have no patience for, its a midseason game between two teams who arent going to make the finals… calm the fuck down.
The stock market.
But how will I know if I’m rich or poor without a nasdaq score telling me how the rich are feeling?
Also, the propagation of the idea that you are poor because of the actions of even poorer people.
The colour red so that way whenever somebody goes to “Red Lobster” all they see is “Lobster” on the sign.
Would this have the unfortunate side effect of also eliminating the color pink? What about purple and orange?
First, I’ll abolish your milk
Then, I shall abolish your VIRGINITYIs it by magical means? Then name calling, mostly to watch Trump deal with it.