America will suffer an economic depression and become more isolationist which will allow the depression to continue unabated. Millions die of starvation and exposure.
Millions die of starvation and exposure and preventable disease.
Yes, and as someone with a pricey cancer treatment at the moment which I can only afford due to Medicaid, there is a very good chance I will be one of them.
You and I don’t always see eye to eye on some issues, but I hope you know that I am always wishing you well and strength in your continuing battle. This internet rando wants you to be around and be here for decades to come. I’m pulling for you.
Fuck cancer, I hope you kick the shit out of it!
Covid called
Nostradamus over here. How did you manage to scrap that conclusion together? No one could possibly predict that outcome.
That’s Nostradumbass to you.
AI is going to replace a lot of peoples jobs and no real government is prepared for the aftermath.
Something like Detroit beyond human where AI is causing massive unemployment and real humans are really suffering. While the super rich are in lofts doing their own thing.
Its not all bad, Ive heard some short stories on the importance of open source and manufacturing your own thing. Theres stories on communities banding together in such times and rejecting that which makes the rich richer. But I personally think it will be far and in between. People have to want to change, and I just dont see it happening.
Blood in the streets. Only question is, whose?
Syria just had a half a 9/11 over the weekend with an estimated 1,300 people killed, mostly civilians as revenge. They pulled people into the street and executed them and robbed their family members who witnessed their loved ones die.
I predict something similar will happen in the U.S. in the next few years as white supremisist militias grow.
Economical collapse in multiple countries, including the US. Like Great Depression II.
Since I’m not feeling very optimistic, and given that everything I predicted today was the exact opposite, I’ll say this.
- Campi Flegrei explodes, creating a noise louder than Krakatoa.
- Santorini sinks into the ocean.
- Nuclear war.
- Groundwater runs out all over the world.
- A massive solar emission hits earth, throwing us back into the Stone Age.
Doing my duty, to protect the world by predicting things, so the exact opposite happens 🍺.
Just to cover all the bases, some extra points.
- AI superintelligence is evil.
- A gamma-ray burst hits earth.
- Aliens are evil.
- Vacuum decay is possible and something accidentally triggers it.
- Nobody likes me romantically.
Well you probably aren’t actually meeting new people so low chance of finding love
US car company collapse. A major armed conflict between two large economies
The US falls behind more countries in average lifespan, education and avg income.
The today’s “brave new world” will start turning into Orwellian Big Brother society. It’s already happening. Of course neither option is great but I prefer drugs, orgies and idiots to surveillance, absolute police state and slaves/prisoners.
It’s inadvisable to think about people being after you, “how would I hide,” etc…but if you give it a thought or two, you might realize it would already be very, very, very difficult to escape nearly omnipresent surveillance. You just need to put one or two headlines together…
“Google Tracking Your Phone Even Before You Open App/Potentially Even When Phone is Off”
“DOGE Has Gained Access to Americans’ Private Data”
Etc… We let it sneak up on us and we’re going to find it’s seemingly all there at once.
In Finland the Police has been demanding full access to fingerprints originally gathered for passports and IDs (of around three million citizens) which means that the police could use them for other than their intended purposes. AND it looks like the police is finally going to have their way in this matter. This is how a police state is build, one step at a time until it’s too late to complain.
Yeah, and after the last two Independece days I really don’t trust cops much.
In the US the cops come by schools and fingerprint every kid when they’re about 10 years old. They did it thirty years ago to me and they still do it today.
Famine will enter the American lexicon again.
The United States will no longer be a member of NATO or the United Nations or both. The US is being labeled as an adversary by Germany, so in 10 years, the United States may very well lose half of it’s allies because of these 4 years we’re enduring.
Russia could still lose it’s war with Ukraine and may have lost because of the combined efforts of the EU since the US 10 years ago (accounting the time scale) has abandoned Ukraine. Russia and the United States could very well be allies by this point which would make the world arm themselves since we’re seeing countries retaliate in trade wars.
Inflation in 10 years will be the new norm because no politician, Democrat or Republican, can’t ever get their marbles of a grasp on holding corporations accountable.
Speaking of Corporations, in 10 years, they would’ve sucked dry and owned well over every important asset, service and many acquisitions along the way. We would have to make the term ‘Megacorp’ to identify these corporations by.
Communicating with AI becomes indistinguishable from human contact, unless it’s face-to-face. While promising to solve the loneliness epidemic and provide safe and effective therapy for anyone who wants it, it also unleashes a torrent of convincing AI propaganda. Technocrats using AI and charismatic humans as useful idiots and a front, effectively rule the world. Most people are poor and go hungry, but resistance is futile. There is no safe way to communicate except meeting in person, and there are few safe spaces to even meet that aren’t under constant surveillance. Organizing any resistance is incredibly difficult, if not hopeless. Truth is no more.
The collapse of the petro dollar.
All hail the KilowattYuan!
I understand it is normal human behavior to focus on negative things and an evolved survival trait. But it is kind of sad that no answers have any positive thoughts about the future. So I will try one:
Computer and robotic technology will improve and get cheaper. It will become feasible for home bound people to be able to have some sort of participation in society through telepresence.
Add advanced augmented reality and teledildonics, shit is gonna get weird.
Russia will own Alaska.
China will take over Taiwan and Japan.
N.Korea will take over S.Korea.
That’s the most obvious insanity caused by Trump love for Putin. Global borders will fall everywhere.
North Korea taking over South Korea sounds as absurd to me as Jamaica taking over the US.
The closest to “taking over” SK would be if they started dropping nukes and didn’t actually want the land/resources/businesses/money and also didn’t care about retaliation from allies…
You think SK and allies will be able to stop an Army of NK, China, and Russia?
I don’t. Allies won’t use nukes to stop it.
That would really be China taking over Korea, then. That’s not North Korea taking over
True. I should’ve specified NK & allies taking over SK.
Following the path of other regimes around the world, the USA builds their own “great firewall”, segmenting most people here away from the global internet. At around the same time, personal VPNs become explicitly illegal. We might also see the government seize control of at least one certificate registrar, if they don’t fire up their own, thereby “owning” TLS online.
On the upside, there’s a chance we will see more grass-roots efforts to reboot a lot of institutions that were co-opted by the rich. You’re just never going to hear about that through conventional channels. For instance: local newspapers with real journalism behind them. Or more small businesses with the intent to last, rather than sell. It’s possible that more of those things will be co-ops, union shops, or even Mondragon inspired. Either way, there’s a path forward for more community, real communication, and eventual prosperity, provided folks keep their heads and take things offline where necessary.