And no, the microwave is not a valid option.
The microwave is a fundamental part of the Make Tea -> Forget About Tea -> Reheat Tea cycle.
Also, I have to put the bag in first, because otherwise I’ve no idea how much room I need to leave for it (which you’d think I’d be able to eyeball by now, but apparently not).
Tea bag
Tea bag first, then freshly boiled hot water.
Teabag and sugar, then drown it in a scalding stream of boiling water.
Teabag. Make sure the water doesn’t hit straight on the teabag, but kinda dunk it so it’s fully wet while pouring.
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I put some extra fiber and collagen protein in my tea, so I put that in first, pour in the heated water, stir, and then the tea bag. If I’m away and don’t have those available, the tea bag first all the way.
Doesn’t really matter, as long as you add the sugar while the liquid is hot enough to go into supersaturated solution.
Then chill and add ice.
They’re designed to deliver the maximum amount of flavour in ~20 seconds.
So: bag first, then just-boiled water. Wait/steep for 20-60 seconds, fish out the bag with a teaspoon and squeeze against the cup, and then milk.
How do you milk your teabag?
With a come here motion with your finger(s)
It truly is such a versatile motion
Through the nipples.
Squeeze against the wall, milk it hard
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Set the bush on fire, toss a bucket of water on it, drink the hot bush broth drippings
So primitive, in the least impressive way imaginable
If the cup is not full enough, I’ll top it up (and spill the amount again once I get to my table).Teabag, sugar, then water and milk.
I’m not sure how normal this is, largely because this is coming from the same person who pours milk before her cereal LMAO
Making tea atm, teabag first!
Teabag, honey, hot water and then milk (almond in my case)