I’ll start. I watched every minute of Francis Ford Coppola’s “Megalopolis”.
Just finished… it made me think of this topic.
What a coincidence, I was just at a Megalopolis watch party last night haha. There were like two dozen of us hatewatching it. True kino.
I have been ‘interviewed’ by the Secret Service 2x in my life.
Both times because I was a young dumbass, and both times I am sure they wrote in my official file: ‘harmless dumbass’.
I knew a guy from the US that was also interviewed by some 3 letter agency because his girlfriend was Russian. This was like 20 years ago.
20 years ago 2005 or 20 years ago late 80s early 90s?
I fell out of an aeroplane with no parachute and lived.
Was sweeping the little Cessna out when i stepped back missed the step and went arse over head into the tarmac.
I fell out of an aeroplane with no parachute and lived.
Imagine if the airplane was actually in mid flight tho!
Well, stepping out in that scenario generally isn’t advised.
Probably would have hurt less haha
Injected LSD
I knew a guy that would dissolve gels inside his eyelid.
Is that different than oral? Do you have the experience to compare and contrast?
Bypasses the whole 1-2 hours of anxious waiting. Kicks in within 5-15 minutes peak hits in like 30
I attended a 1-on-1 meeting that a billionaire scheduled with me but that they themselves did not attend.
Broken neck and back. Don’t recommend.
★☆☆☆☆Eech, very sorry for you. Story?
Fought two SUV’s on a bicycle and sent both to the crusher. I’m the only survivor.
If it doesn’t bother you, could you say what happened? This sounds really interesting!
Fought two SUVs*
pedantic anti community’ist
Was this you
Your valiant sacrifice will be remembered, comrade o7
Nope. I did it with just speed
Rode 190 kms on a unicycle one day.
Read that first as km/s and was blown away.
Fastest. Unicycle. Ever.
I did not make a hypervelocity impact crater. I did, however, make a large number of low velocity impact craters.
I once hiked onto a mountain barefoot because of a bet with a friend, it took me 3 1/2 hours untl I have reached the summit.
Did you hike off it barefoot too, or did you pack shoes?
I was bringin sandals with me and hike-off with them
Me as a german have to say: pathetic
Still nice for you but knowing my peers, this is almost a daily occurence in the alps xd
Ate a whole bar of soap in high school. I was in a military school, and it was an initiation/bet in a certain extracurricular group.
At practice one day, they asked if anyone wanted to earn $300. All the hands shot up.Then they asked if anyone wanted to eat soap. All hands drop. Then, they asked if anyone wanted to eat a bar of soap for $300. Me and one other dude raised our hands again. After practice we went back to the dorm of one of the group leaders where they laid out the rules: entry fee is $25. One bar of soap, cut into six pieces. The four smaller pieces are too be eaten in one bite, chewed minimum of ten times, and swallowed. The two bigger pieces had to be bitten in half, chewed, and swallowed. If you got all the soap down, you had to keep it down for 15 minutes. If you get this far, you keep all the entry fees of everyone that’s failed before you.
Guy before me taps out halfway through. I finish, and hold it down for the required 15 minutes, as the leaders get more and more agitated. After i win and they give me my money, I’m informed that I’ve just ruined the party they hold every year after the last major inspection is completed. Turns out, they’ve been running this scam for years as a way to grift money from younger members to fund their own shenanigans. I’m told that I’m not to return to practice the following day, as I’m not longer a member of the club.
Joined yearbook instead, and bought a lot of pizza for my friends that semester.
Mmmm, soap.
Irish Spring to be exact! And i gotta say that first bite of pepperoni pizza afterwards was… pleasant. That’s when i learned about the lye content in soap.
I once fell out of the attic of an abandoned house because an owl scared the living crap out of me - it was huge and it made itself look even larger, must’ve been the largest bird I’d seen IRL by that age. Does that count?
Porn, volunteering for modeling for drawings at universitys nude and none nude, acting on stage, playing in a Philharmonic orchestra
Quite a resume. You have many talents. A good-looking musician I’d say.
Would you recommend your path to others just setting out on their journey?
Hahahahahaha no :D Especially not the porn part. Especially not why and how i slid down and that i am still fighting the addictions that i got threw porn acting
Also i have only recently turned 22 with that resume
But the musician, getting comfortable with your body (threw exposure not neccisary) defenetly reccomend checking it out atleast
I know about fighting addictions and getting clean, so all the best there friend. I’ll pray for you (really) because that’s a big thing you’re doing.
Being comfortable with yourself is something most people don’t have, so finding that at 22 is really great! You are special and worthy and deserve to be taken care of. Life is full of changes, ups and downs, and you’ve already had some downs, so expect some ups!
Protect yourself, and be careful out there.
When one is at their lowest point, they are open for the biggest changes. Cant loose much if you dont have much to loose yk. Been there more than 5 times.
While it is always great to realise once own wrong doing in the past, it is important to forgive yourself. What happened happened, it can not be undone, so why keep occupied with it. Learn from it, do better in the future, and move on.
Scars from the past will never fade, yes, but dont spread the flame, be a wall, so no one has to wear the scars anymore, or atleast less people.
It is easy to learn to like yourself once you have realised and accepted that the world is just a stage and you choose which role you play and that only your opinion about yourself counts. People that are putting you down, drop them, no matter how it hurts. There is no shame in a humble life with few to no people in your life. You cant influence what happens to you, and therefore you shouldnt mind and care about that. Only concern yourself about things that you can influence and do right now! You can influence your response to outside actions. So the things in your life and about yourself that you dont like, change them, these you can change.
I dont need your prairs though, thank you.
If i could give one advice to any future or current parents it would be this: Always make sure your kid knows you love it and dont work against it. Dont be dismissive and let it think it isnt save with you. NEVER HIT OR YELL AT YOUR KID! Give it the attention it needs, otherwise it WILL get the attention from others, others that are anything but good willed, I speak from experience. Many many years of experience of exactly that and more.
And to all those that are going threw a terrible time, trust me, it will get better, dont turn to anger. There is a small slippery path from hate to self distrucction. Hate always leads to suffering.
That was wisdom, hard-earned wisdom, the wisdom of the weathered rock. I loved this line:
Scars from the past will never fade, yes, but dont spread the flame, be a wall, so no one has to wear the scars anymore, or atleast less people.
I can’t believe you’re 22. Amazing.
You’re right to handle things yourself, and you’ve worked your ass off, I’m sure, gone through so much alone. Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” I’m sure you’ve felt that feeling so many times.
I have no idea how you got healthy, how you got on your feet again. You have to be a very strong person. Your words are wise WAY beyond your years. You should be proud of yourself.
Hahaha i indeed did, a lot. It even was one of the many reasons i am no longer religiouse in any way. But unlike most religiouse people and the catholic church, i am living the values of their religion unlike them.
I myself have no idea how i am still alive, why i never with the knife on my wrists, standing on a cliff/bridge or having my head in a rope already and all it would have took was one small move, why i didnt do this small movement.
All i know is, i somehow am still here, with a clear goal: Doing all in my power so no one has to suffer like i do
But i am anything but healthy. Like i wrote, i am still fighting addictions that i got from the porn life, unlearning habits from the decades of abuse. I do not feel pride, but also no shame about it all. But it defenetly gives me confidence and reasurance. “I have been threw so much and gotten threw and out. I can withstand this too”
The porn industrie isnt inherently evil. It is a job like any other, but it has a very high risk of quickly becoming hell and torment, without you even noticing. You just have to get to the wrong people and before you know it you are trapped and they have you dancing to their melodie
You are so quotable!
All i know is, i somehow am still here, with a clear goal: Doing all in my power so no one has to suffer like i do
I do not feel pride, but also no shame about it all. But it defenetly gives me confidence and reasurance.
“I have been threw so much and gotten threw and out. I can withstand this too”
A heroes journey! May the road rise up to greet your feet! May your shoes not wear out and your bread not grow stale! May the sun shine on your steps and may you find fresh water when you are thirsty!
I fell off a short bridge into a ditch, got up, started walking up out of the ditch. Realised I couldn’t breathe (winded) and then fell back into the same ditch, unconscious.
Had the most psychedelic dream I’ve ever had, and woke up to someone tending to my wounds.
I might be the only American to have applied for a light sport flight instructor certificate on physical paper, and I believe I caused an update to the IACRA system.
For those unaware, IACRA is the system for applying for airman certificates online. Instead of mailing a paper 8710 to Washington you fill it out on one of the US government’s many shitass fuckchild web 0.8 websites. The FAA isn’t as bad as the FCC on that front but shew buddy.
I was applying for a light sport flight instructor certificate. One of the prerequisites for this is a credential in the Fundamentals of Instruction. Per the FARs, this can be:
- A passing score on an FAA FoI knowledge test (70 or better) within the last 24 months
- Holder of at least a Basic Ground Instructor certificate
- A state issued teacher’s certificate for grade 7 or higher, or
- A job as a college professor
I had taken and passed the FoI test, but the 24 month mark was rapidly approaching before I could arrange the practical test, so I took the BGI test (which is another knowledge test) flew to the FSDO in Greensboro, filled out a form, and one clammy government handshake later I was a ground instructor. Ground instructor certificates don’t expire so that effectively eliminated the time constraint on the FoI test result.
Checkride time approached, it was time to fill out the 8710…IACRA had no way of accepting a BGI certificate number as the FoI prerequisite. It was designed to only accept a LaserGrade test result, there wasn’t a way to use the other legal prerequisite types. So I had to print out a physical 8710 and mail it to Washington. Last I heard of the matter, my DPE let me know she had contacted somebody at the FAA about the matter, so teachers, professors and ground instructors should be able to correctly apply for a flight instructor certificate now.
I know the FAA, I feel your pain.
This is a lame burn, and a crappy post. If you don’t like the movie why not just say that instead of a half-assed attempt to be witty? What didn’t you like about it?
Yeah it’s posts like these that do not offer engagement and we don’t really need more of them. This isn’t reddit, here, where over there people only write the headline and nothing in the body except two lines, like this one. It’s annoying.
I have no idea what this means. But for what it’s worth, I thought it was an interesting question that brought a couple neat replies.
Oh com’on, really? You’re coming to FFC’s rescue? That’s nice. Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pick on the poor fella, with his own movie studio and all, I know he’s got it rough. I liked a lot of his other stuff, if that helps.
It’s a real post, and watching that movie was:
- a real thing I did that not many other people did, and
- I don’t think anyone will think is cool or will make them jealous.
Perfect example of the kind of thing I meant. If you don’t have one, don’t post. I thought I’d hear some funny things people had to say, and maybe some interesting ones as well.
I’m jealous you managed to finish it in a single sitting. I’m still not done, started and stopped three times so far.
I place is squarely in the “It insists upon itself.” category of movies.
I didn’t say that. I took a one-day intermission.
Not all at the same time:
- Broken both ankles at once
- Bitten by a snake, twice (two different snakes)
- In (temporary) remission from myeloma, an incurable blood cancer
That’s quite a resume. You’re hired for…something.
Hired as chief survivor. Top notch being alive. Continuing to breathe beyond all expectations.