Trump and Zelenskyy’s confrontational Oval Office meeting advanced “mob boss foreign policy” serving Russian interests.
Trump and Vance bullied Zelenskyy when he refused their “extortionate” minerals deal or to thank them despite Trump’s stated intent to reduce support for Ukraine.
Zelenskyy effectively countered their claims by noting Russia’s 2014 invasion and correcting historical inaccuracies, which angered the Americans.
This represents the first openly “anti-US, anti-Western, anti-democracy foreign policy in American history.” Russians embraced it, and Putin ally and former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev celebrated the exchange.
Anyone know how fox news is spinning it to the Maga folk? I can’t bring myself to look at the cancer.
Idk, but I’ve seen “Zelensky is a welfare queen asking for a handout” narrative and Zelensky is short and Donald tall so he gooder takes from the right. They are absolutely fucked in the head.
I remember before they criticized him for not wearing a suit which is a talking point that conveniently made to that meeting. Appearance doesn’t matter to them so much as the coverage.
I liked his reply to that. That black shirt looks miles better than that ill fitting suit on that guy
Zelensky hasn’t put on a suit since the war started. He also has been maintaining a short beard and keeping his hair slightly mussed. It’s a powerful image for the men and women fighting for Ukraine’s freedom, showing that their president is right there with them where a suit and tie would make him look more like Farquaad.
He should come to the next meeting (if there is one) in a tan suit.
Eating a hamburger with Dijon mustard
Zelenskyy gave Fox and interview which came off quite well.
Zelenski is an ungrateful bitch who got bitch slapped by Trump and will now give the US everything trump wants because trump best!
Something like that, probably
Just to clarify: I think zelenski is an example to the world and I think it’s very fair to call him the Churchill of our generation.
Churchill was an asshole garbage too
Sounds like something a Hitler glazer would say.
And he was the best war time leader the UK could have hoped for. Same goes for zelenski, though I think he might even be a good peace time leader, he definitely is the best war time leader Ukraine could want.
Care to explain or link an article?
He was kinda shit to India and probably some other things. But that’s just internet contrarian nitpicking stuff. When someone mentions Churchill everyone knows it means a leader that held strong against what seemed an impossible enemy to defeat.
Thank you.
The leaders you want in a war aren’t the ones you want in peaceful times and vice versa. But when there is war, it’s important to have one of the leaders who’re good at managing the country in such a situation, and that applies to both Churchill and Zelenskiy.
Yes, they both have many flaws. But that doesn’t mean someone else would be better.
The difference is zelensky has always been a puppet of the US
And he does it on a daily basis.
…and you would have to be just drop dead stupid if you thought our NATO and EU allies weren’t watching this coverage.
Colonizers betraying colonizers? I’m shocked. \s
half the voting population thinks trump did humiliate zelensky
If he acted like that on camera, imagine what he’s like behind closed doors.
He took away anyone’s right to ever suggest a woman would be too emotional to be president lmao.
You expect Republicans to be consistent? They live for hypocrisy.
Yeah exactly. I wonder how Trump would’ve responded if anyone in the room asked him if he would have used diplomacy had he been president during Pearl Harbour or 9/11. I’d have loved to see him squirm his way out of that one after he stated that Zelensky needs to be open for concessions in exchange for peace.
“If I’d been president they wouldn’t have dared to attack us!”
You know there’s something wrong when Putin and his cronies are the only ones applauding you.
You know there’s something wrong when Putin and his cronies are the only ones applauding you.
did you know there are BYD chinese cars sold all over europe.
if they are US allies - how does that happen?What does this have to do with what I said
What a moronic thing for Trump to have said when nearly everything anyone in the United States buys/uses comes from China.
Not cars tho.
People have lost their minds over a disagreement. It’s really not a big deal. Here is the real problem, Zelensky openly states his expectations during that meeting in the oval office that Russia will 1. Leave all Ukrainian land, including Crimea. 2. Pay to rebuild Ukraine. This will never happen, ever. Ukraine is free to continue the war as long as they wish and America is free Not to continue to pay for their weapons and the functioning of their government.
It is not the disagreement per se that people are losing their minds over (though that is another topic). It is the way he and his vice president shouted at another president’s face just because he thinks acting tough and macho will appease his supporters. This is just disgraceful and pathetic. No one with a grain’s worth of sense would want a college bully as the president of the US.
Acting tough is not what his supporters want. No longer funding endless wars is. It’s really not that hard.
Haha sorry that makes no sense. What does shouting at and humiliating a president in front of cameras achieve that just stating the US won’t be a side anymore does not? It was clearly for show.
And I like your emphasis on endless wars. Stoking up endless wars and enabling the slaughter of children and civilians is apparently fine as long as you are turning a profit since %100 of republicans (and %90 of democrats for that matter) said no to Bernie Sander’s stop arms sale to Israel resolution.
It is true that Israel holds some power over both parties and they fall over themselves to grovel at their feet. That I cannot explain.
No, that’s what they claim to want
What they actually want is a command to trick them into feeling like they’re powerful
Interesting that you disregard what they are telling you they want and then invent a different motive that coincidentally makes you feel superior. Weird.
Actions speak louder than words
Conservatives are lying idiots, believing what they say is what an idiot would do
They control the house, senate, white house, and supreme court. They control America until voted out of power.
Oh no, the bot forgot the context of the conversation
Yes, America is free to let Putin invade a sovereign country.
Of course this makes them chickenshit appeasers. Unreliable Russian bootlickers who are willing to abandon their commitments under the Budapest Memorandum. But they are free to do this.
Just don’t give me any of this “land of the free, home of the brave” bullshit. They’ve proven who they are, and they are not that. They’re fucking greedy imperialist cowards, friends of dictators and authoritarians. I hope they do us all a favour and just hurry their descent into irrelevance.
Once they’ve completed their internal collapse, and the pieces have been picked apart, a new Alaric will ride in and close the deal. Lasted less than 300 years. Pretty pathetic by comparison. But I guess the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
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America has never been the world’s police, except if you think the police are there to enforce power from the dominant socio economic group. In which case yes.
They didn’t help people. Remember those wmds that didn’t exist and were never found?
They’ve only ever been a force for their own power and enrichment
Yes all true. Only one side is trying to make it stop.
Look, Americans are tired of being the world police, entering into endless war and conflict, and it is time all our “allies” stepped up and sent their children to the battlefield.
Who ever asked for that ?
Europe is asking right now. They want to form a European coalition “of the willing” to stand with Ukraine…but only if America offers security guarantees. Guarantees that America will fight, so yes they are all asking.
Yo you asked for help after 9/11 and not a single dollar was paid back to Europe. Just a reminder!
That is a valid point, I’ll give you that one. With 38 US military bases in the EU we are their national defense. Many Americans are tired of war and don’t want to get dragged into another endless conflict.
You(usa) and europe are the problem. I look forward to dissolution of your western imperial system so peoples of usa and europe truly get liberated and emanicpated
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How did you get that over our Cheeto and his couch fucker vp yelling over him, knowing English is a second language to him, just yelling and talking over him, straight bullying him like he stole something. Our “leaders” are pathetic children. Can’t even stay on topic, went to the laptop, Hilary, holy fuck, these are our “negotiators” that have inserted themselves to help? America is cooked, were a fucking embarrassment. I’m ashamed to call myself American. JD making sure he gets a little camera action since president musk will be back and he’ll be the third wheel. Fuck me we suck so bad.
I’m not pro trump but I am a libertarian, this shit was downright disgraceful. Shows how mature he is.
I’m with Trump on Ukraine.
And I don’t support Trump on other issues.
It’s fucking stupid supporting them. Whole thing started back in the days, but the world changed dramatically since.
I don’t agree with you, but I’m glad you’re allowed to say this without being censored.
how is life in Russia nowadays, by the way? we get almost no reports of it other than the occasional protestors getting shut down
boeing whistleblower found dead:
open ai whistleblower found dead:
huh, i was wondering about life in Russia
It tracks. US may as well be a Russian colony at this point
Inflation of food prices is very noticeable. Still manageable, though.
Taxes are getting higher.
Lots of services can’t be paid for due to sanctions. Some payments are possible, but for a premium.
Roscomnadzor still pisses everybody off. They’re slowing down YouTube to an unusable rate. They claim it’s Google’s hardware degrading (It’s not). Then there’s Discord being blocked, and now they seemingly want to target Steam for some unknown reason (the reason is VKontacte needs more money).
More insane legislature is being talked about.
The lingering threat of being drafted or randomly killed by a drone isn’t gone, which is emotionally draining.
People want peace. Yet, put responsibility on incumbent. (Think: “We had no say in it, they started it, they’ll finish it”)
Opposition? What opposition? Everybody’s either jailed or were forced to leave the country. They’ll literally lock up a single father up if he dares to show disagreement with their “special military operation.” And the kid? Who cares? They don’t matter to our very just and absolutely not corrupt courts. (Sry, still fuming about that story. Hope the judge and the principal will rot in hell)
That’s about it. Source: me, also russian news media and official legislature sources
Thanks USA, we don’t want another Afghanistan.
^ Troll alert. Don’t feed it.
Troll = anyone u disagree with
What a stupid take. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and inform you that when the USSR fell a substantial amount of their nuclear weapons were within Ukraine’s borders and Ukraine was the only new state in a position to actually maintain and potentially deploy their nuclear arsenal.
Ukraine gave up those nukes on the promise that Russia and the USA wouldn’t invade Ukraine. Now Russia has invaded and the USA is siding with fucking Russia. This sends a message to every other civilized nation that the USA won’t back them up if another nuclear power invades. Where does that logically lead them then? “Better build my own nuclear deterrent” and now we’re gonna go from 7 countries with potential to end all life on earth to god knows how many. The downstream impact of this could literally end humanity.
I don’t care about those squabbles.
world has changed - china is beating US economically and that’s unlikely to change.have you been to any store in US recently - what’s manufactured in US? nothing - that’s right.
if US starts some stupid war right now - they don’t have the manufacturing industrial base anymore, in fact - China would be that country with that base.
Protecting EU for free make no sense - did you know there are BYD dealerships all over the place in europe? chinese cars - and thats supposed US ally, that allows complete chinese infiltration on its soil.
Firstly, please don’t whatabout me. But to answer your question; goods in every sector are still manufactured in this country. From shoes and jackets to missiles and airplanes, we still make it all. Definitely in far smaller quantities than before, because the cost of labor is significantly higher, meaning US made goods demand a large premium over imported goods. If everything was made domestically you’d be too poor to buy half the stuff you own now. Manufacturing jobs are trash and pay trash, unless they’re highly skilled jobs (like building airplanes). Nobody wants $3 an hour where I’m from.
We’re not protecting anything for free with Ukraine. We agreed that if this literal situation happened, we’d fight Russia since Ukraine was giving away their deterrent. Like, do you think Russia still would’ve invaded Ukraine if there were nukes that could wipe Moscow off the map in Ukraine?
Now everyone is going to start secret nuke programs because they can’t trust the USA to honor it’s end of the bargain. Our ability to negotiate was thrown into the garbage disposal for fucking what?
So… If China tries to take Taiwan, is that ok? Is it perfectly normal for the US to threaten to take Greenland and Panama?
Or are we pretending that war, genocide and taking over neighboring counties is just a one-off situation?
Yes. And I will tell you even more - we can’t do shit for Taiwan.
It’s too far away to resupply, and legally - it belongs to China.
Troops in Vietnam had ice cream and cold Coca Cola.
There are mobile Burger Kings that can be loaded into military supply transports.
That’s just food.
You have no idea the capabilities of US logistics. Why do you think we have military bases on 6 continents and half the countries in the fucking world. It’s not just for fucking fun. The whole point is that the US can have a fully supplied fighting force anywhere in the world within a couple days.
Go lick fascist boots somewhere else. I still stand by the idea that democracy should be defended.
Why do you think we have military bases on 6 continents and half the countries in the fucking world.
completely different situation.
Vietnam - US was fighting against 3-rd world country. Sure with USSR/China backing, but indirect still.When you talk about Taiwan - you are talking about directly engaging China for a Chinese island that’s 60 miles from China and thousands of miles from US.
how do you picture that going?
if there is a hot war between US and China that’s somehow without nuclear (again - im asking you how is it going to be without nuclear) -> none of those transports gonna reach Taiwan for’s a simple production math - they can outbuild US in rockets probably 10 to 1 and with modern technology - none of US carriers/strike groups gonna be able to do shit. they gonna be sunk super quick.
math is not mathing - give that fucking island to China, I dont want ww3 because of it.
The fuck are you talking about?? The US managed to resupply in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years,and they’re a LOT further away.
years,and they’re a LOT further away.
but its completely different situation.
those were 3rd word countries that were without any strong party backing.
with Taiwan - what’s your plan? openly engage China? start ww3 over Taiwan?
this is - i’m sorry - this is fucking nuts.US can’t win that even with conventional weapons, those transports gonna be sunk before getting anywhere close to Taiwan.
No no, you said “too far away to resupply”. I claim bullshit. I never suggested it was a good idea.
In that case the US should be British still. Fucking uppity colony is what it is.
come and take it
Zelensky we finally have Russia at the negotiations table ( no thanks to biden ) Russia sent people to talk about peace, the only one holding up the process is Zelensky. After all the money we sent to Ukraine we cant even get a deal on minerals? Let Russia consume them. EU is too busy buying oil/gas from Russia more than they have donated! EU could care less about Ukraine!
Russia sent people to talk about peace
Russia sent people to accept Trump’s unconditional surrender.
That is a lie… do you just make shit up?
Wow, that’s a lot of bullshit in such a short amount of text. Ignoring most of it, I’ll focus on the “money” sent. We didn’t send much in the way of funds. What we sent was old, obsolete, and outdated weapons and munitions which we will then replace with newer, modern and updated stock.
People also seem to forget that we’re basically using Ukrainians as cannon fodder so the US and Europe don’t have to put our troops on the line to hold back Russia (not that Trump cares about keeping Russia in check).
Russia sent people to talk about peace
You mean the country that started the war by invading another country wants to discuss a peace they could have by simply getting out of that country? Russia, who has violated more than one ceasefire? What a bunch of crap.
There’s a history behind it. For most of Ukraine’s history, it was under Soviet control. In 1991, over 90% of Ukrainians voted for independence, and Gorbachev agreed, but with the condition that NATO wouldn’t expand past Germany—NATO agreed. Russia accepted democracy at its doorstep in exchange for that promise. What happened to Thatcher and Baker’s promise?
Later, Yeltsin sought NATO membership to foster closer relations, but NATO didn’t respond. NATO’s military expansion seemed aimed at Russia, and without Russia, there’d be no need for that military buildup.
In 2000, Putin sought NATO membership again, but NATO ignored him. After 9/11, Putin supported the U.S., sharing intelligence, allowing airspace and military bases. But after the U.S. destabilized Iraq, Putin grew wary of NATO’s expansion into Russia’s sphere. This war with Ukraine could have been avoided—Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S. could have negotiated. Stop believing the media.
NATO not expanding eastward was never put to paper. No one ever officially signed off on it, nor was it ever an official decree. It was never anything more than words of appeasement. Russia “agreed to democracy on its doorstep” because they were going through a regime collapse and were a tad preoccupied with preventing the collapse from going further. Even if they had kicked up a storm about it, what were they gonna do? The breakaway nations weren’t going to just unpack their bags and stay with the abusive ex cause the ex said they can’t leave. Russia would’ve had to suppress them militarily once again, and they didn’t have the resources to do that.
NATO expanding eastward was because the former Soviet bloc countries wanted it. Because if you’ve regained your independence (for some of them it wasn’t even the first time) from an aggressive neighboring nation, would you not wish to protect it with the means available to you? If Poland and the Baltics believed that, for the first time in centuries, Russia would stop doing Russia things, would they have sought to join? Because the only reason they’ve been spared Ukraine’s fate is that Russia was in no position to execute militarily when those countries were accepted into NATO. And look at us now, thirty some years later, Russia is doing Russia things.
Yes Putin sought NATO membership, but NATO was formed as a check on Soviet aggression, so that’s a nonstarter. Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, and they thought they’d cakewalk into Ukraine as well. There’s no slant where Russia is the good guy in this. You sound like a propaganda machine.
Holy shit a delusional Russian troll shows up. Fuck off.
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I had some small hope your post was a satire reverse joke that just failed or something, sad to see that it’s not.
Filth. You are absolute scum.
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Who cares what others think of the US, it’s all a facade. Regardless who’s in office the world sees us as a joke. Homelessness, incarceration rates, low education, poverty, no healthcare, stagnant wages, there’s a thousand things to look down on about the US other than a fanatical asshole.
Yea but freedumb! Ma guns!
Sure but we’re all used to that. But we’ve never seen a President deliberately sabotage US interests in this way.
TIL allowing homelessness, high incarceration rates, low education, poverty, lack of health care, and stagnant wages isn’t sabotaging US interests
The problem with the US is that American exceptionalism has made Americans unable to distinguish between global politics and domestic politics.
In short, other countries generally don’t concern themselves with US domestic politics, because the concept of sovereignty means countries don’t interfere in each other’s domestic problems.
I was mainly pointing out how the US government is willing to bend over backwards when “American interests” are threatened, but doesn’t consider housing, education, and poverty to be worth doing anything about. It’s mainly throwing our weight around and making sure rich people don’t lose money.
Which just shows what “American interests” really are.
You need to work on your reading comprehension
So people having homes isn’t in America’s interest? People not being fucking idiots and electing Trump isn’t in America’s interest?
Ah, the duality of the United States. An greedy evil imperialistic Nation that undermines everyone else, but also USAID is going away and people are wondering wtf they are going to do to get by.
USAID has never been anything but a tool of US imperialism and regime change masquerading as charity
This banana republic was never respectable but with the senile genocide enabler first (who they desperately tried to us was still mentally capable) and now the orange clown they have certainly sunk to new lows.
Don’t worry americans, there IS no reputation to harm.Anyone equating Trump and Biden (in a thread that has literally nothing to do with the latter) is either full of shit or in desperate need of a civics lesson or three.
And your motives are transparent.
I have laughed and ridiculed the comedy capers of Genocide Joe just as much as I did the orange clown.
They both have different yet equally amusing traits. And is most certainly on point seen this thread is on humiliating shit from your banana republic.
They can most certainly be equated.
I really don’t care your feelies get hurt by it and have to lash out with potty mouth vulgarities.“And your motives are transparent.”
LOL let’s try an ad hominem in desperation since you have nothing to offer.
Bye now, enjoy your embarrassing shithole.
I know I will:Accuses someone of being a “potty mouth” then proceeds to use the exact same “vulgarity”. Okay then, hypocrite
Elon Musk level wit here. Watch out everyone.
100% knew this shit would happen. Knew he was going to take this all as some massive win. His cronies probably all patted him on the back and gladly licked his nuts.
at this point, the rest of the world should start phasing out and blocking anything American. can’t rely on the looney bin for critical infrastructure.
Føtex in Denmark is to start marking American products, so now it’s easier to know if you’re buying something American or something European.
I think Canada is also going to make a few trade deals with us.